Now displaying: May, 2022
May 19, 2022
Welcome back to another short session here with the Grognostics crew. We take 12 minutes to discuss a topic pulled out of a hat - If ghosts populated your living space would you rather be able to see them or would you prefer not to know? Enjoy.
May 5, 2022
LIke an armpit at a deodorant convention (said no one ever), we like to keep things fresh. And with that comes yet another new segment we're trying out called Short Intriguing Snippets. They're digestible bytes (see what i did there?) of appetizing goodness made to quickly listen and churn up some pondering thought of your own. On today's we discuss the connection between emotions and music as well as find out how one can play heavy metal and boy band pop in ones car at the same exact time. It's not easy let me tell you.