5G frequency has clandestinely been showing up as your cell phone's selected choice service whether you've noticed or not. It's entered our airwaves with much controversy. What does it mean though exactly? Is it safe? Is it the cause of Coronavirus planted by Bill Gates or better yet, aliens? What about an alien version of Bill Gates? We dive into the facts, the fiction, and everything in-between as the Grognostic lads wet their whistle if you will getting back into the fray of this podcasting world.
On today’s show, I sit down with AI expert and Thought Leader David Yakobovitch to talk about all things Artificial Intelligence including the future of AI, how the technology can help in the pursuit of solving the Covid19 pandemic, the moral obligations we face as humans as the technology progresses, where AI is today and much more. You’ll be shocked about how much AI has already infiltrated your day-to-day, even what beer you're drinking!
David Yakobovitch is the host of The HumAIn Podcast where he explores AI for consumers through fireside conversations with industry Thought Leaders. From Chief Data Scientists and AI Advisors to leaders who advance AI for All, the HumAIn Podcast is the channel to release new AI products, to learn about industry trends, and to bridge the gap between Humans and Machines in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In February 2020, The podcast ranked in the top 100 Global Technology Podcasts in the United States, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Czech Republic, India, and the Philippines.
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Sarah Conner had Skynet. Will Smith had IRobot. Wall-E had Eva. And you, I'm sorry to say have Grognostics to help you along your path towards the robot singularity. Part I of our robot series covered the history of robotics and what man has in store for our mechanical counterparts. Part II is, from the words of Brittany Spears, "not so innocent." Quite more sinister, and what should keep us all up and night is what happens when these robots we create have had enough of our dictatorship rule? Will there be an uprising? Or will there be a suppression at the very least? Exactly how long will it be before your coffee machine is dominating you in all aspects of your life? Yes, even that. Let's just say that for those "50 Shades of Grey" fans... you don't know pain until you're in the red room with your Keurig and a bag of decaf, let me tell you. Sir Matthew joins us. Beer graciously provided by Tavour, the best online beer service on the planet.
Engrained somewhere deep in our DNA is human's fear of robots and machines. We feel it is inevitable that ultimately they will destroy us all and leave our carcasses for the robot vultures to devour. Why is this? Why can't we envision a world where humans and robots co-exist peacefully and happily? Join us for this two-part show about where the future of robots is headed. On this show we talk through the history of robots and ultimately what humanity will gain from these advancements. Then on next week's show we discuss how robots will benefit and humans, possibly not so much. Beers donated by Tavour - online beer delivery service. You can find their beers at tavour.com