Sarah Conner had Skynet. Will Smith had IRobot. Wall-E had Eva. And you, I'm sorry to say have Grognostics to help you along your path towards the robot singularity. Part I of our robot series covered the history of robotics and what man has in store for our mechanical counterparts. Part II is, from the words of Brittany Spears, "not so innocent." Quite more sinister, and what should keep us all up and night is what happens when these robots we create have had enough of our dictatorship rule? Will there be an uprising? Or will there be a suppression at the very least? Exactly how long will it be before your coffee machine is dominating you in all aspects of your life? Yes, even that. Let's just say that for those "50 Shades of Grey" fans... you don't know pain until you're in the red room with your Keurig and a bag of decaf, let me tell you. Sir Matthew joins us. Beer graciously provided by Tavour, the best online beer service on the planet.
Engrained somewhere deep in our DNA is human's fear of robots and machines. We feel it is inevitable that ultimately they will destroy us all and leave our carcasses for the robot vultures to devour. Why is this? Why can't we envision a world where humans and robots co-exist peacefully and happily? Join us for this two-part show about where the future of robots is headed. On this show we talk through the history of robots and ultimately what humanity will gain from these advancements. Then on next week's show we discuss how robots will benefit and humans, possibly not so much. Beers donated by Tavour - online beer delivery service. You can find their beers at
How much do we really know about Yuri Yudin, the hiker who turned back and discontinued the trek with his nine fellow hikers in the Ural Mountains at Dyatlov Pass? Come to think of it how much do we know about any Yuri for that matter?
What if we told you that Yuri Cuntsovich was lurking right under your nose the entire time. And possibly lurking under... ok sorry, going down a weird, strange path now... But why? Why would Mr. Cuntsovich do such a thing? Exactly.
We didn’t feel like our two-part show on the Dyaltov Pass mystery was enough so we’re bringing you some bonus material that might just finally prove the mystery. This little Yuri went to the market, this little Yuri stayed home, and this little Yuri went wee, wee, wee, on the Grognostics Podcast. Let's just say that after today's show you will know with 100% certainty what happened to the hikers at Dyatlov Pass. Give a listen.
I know this is a crazy idea, but we've made the collective decision to do something consistent on this show. One thing at least. We will now be posting at least every other Thursday. And sometimes, if our mood swings, and the furry clown with the ball gag in his mouth will let us within an arm's reach of a computer from our cages - every Thursday. So get used to checking your feeds folks. Because the Thursday posting begins now. Well actually it began a few weeks ago but that was technically by accident. Really.
On this show? Just a quick announcement with a healthy dose of reminiscing and a scintilla of inspiration. Written and produced by soon-to-be top writer on the show Mr. Jason Bramell.