
Grognostics - Where Craft Beer Meets the Unexplained

Frolic on the precipice of discovery, rouse your curious mind and expand self-awareness as Jason and Steve take you on an educational, yet hilarious journey through an explorative stew of mystical, historic, cultural and scientific all while enjoying some frosty pints. Prepare to laugh, learn, and enter into an introspective reverie as they ascertain topics that have always intrigued you whether you know it or not. Are you not ascertained? Are you not ascertained? You will be.
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Grognostics - Where Craft Beer Meets the Unexplained









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Now displaying: 2020
Dec 31, 2020

2020 has seen deadly viruses, rioting, unemployment, general unrest and well the return of McDonald's McRib. So let's be honest with ourselves. Was it really that bad? It got us thinking; we all feel 2020 has been the worst year of our lifetimes but where does it rank in the history of worst years? Famine, war, disease, nuclear fallout, massive natural disasters have plagued humanity since the rise of our existence. So what was the actual worst year. Was it 2020? In the spirit of the New Year and in the negative spirit of the past year we teamed with our friends at Unearthing Paranormalcy to count down the 5 worst years of humanity's history and then because c'mon now, we're not all doom and gloom (mostly are) we also counted down the 5 best years. The best year we are positive will surprise you. Happy New Year!

Dec 24, 2020

Happy Holidays from Grognostics. As usual we take a page out of the Grognostic Storybook for an original tale about a winter time character. Give a listen. The story might surprise you. Or scare you. One of the two. 

Dec 22, 2020

New shows, new shows and new shows. All coming out soon... 

Nov 19, 2020

On today's show we continue on in our quest to determine whether ancient builders had just mad building skills, help from aliens or if we're missing it entirely. Newsflash: We're missing it entirely. Something at least. Enjoy. 

Nov 12, 2020

The Great Pyramid of Giza stands 481 feet high, and was built thousands of years ago when only primitive building and engineering methods existed...we think.  Ancient structures are scattered all over Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, and even Australia and Antarctica that are quite unexplainable. Since we're the most advanced humans in our species' timeline how did these ancient civilizations manage such feats?  I mean, these inferior cultures barely had pots to pee in right? We're the top of the chain are we not?  Well...newsflash, we might be wrong.  These ancient civilizations - exactly how did they move 20-ton rocks and place them exactly where they wanted hundreds of feet up? How did they have tools enabling them to cut massive, thick stones all the same? It can be explained right? Nope, not really. 

On this episode, we examine ancient structures from all over the globe to discuss just how these ancient feats were done while drinking some great beer along the way. Don't judge.

Oct 29, 2020

A Grognostics Halloween short. Written and recorded by Grognostics. Bonus Halloween show courtesy of Unearthing Paranormalcy Podcast. 

Oct 23, 2020

Closed in 1971, Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary is considered by many to be one of the most haunted places in the country. It’s been featured on multiple television shows and is visited by dozens of paranormal researchers each year. There are multiple stories of paranormal-like experiences corroborated by visitors, inmates, guards, and workers for decades.

On today’s show, we’re joined by former prison tour guide, and author Dr. Paul Kahan to take us through the history of the prison and its propensity for eerie occurrences.  He’s the author of a number of books, including Eastern State Penitentiary: A History and The Bank War: Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle, and the Fight for American Finance. He earned his Ph.D. in history from Temple University and is currently working on a narrative history of Philadelphia due out in 2022. Find out more about Dr. Kahan and his work at

Oct 15, 2020

Known to many as one of the country's most haunted houses, the Winchester Mystery house holds just as many peculiarities in the physical world as it does in the spirit. What started as a modest farmhouse was turned into the most unorthodox house ever built over three decades of continuous construction. With a staircase that leads to a ceiling, doors that lead to nowhere and over 160 total rooms, 40 of which are bedrooms,  one has to ponder the very same question - how on earth would I ever find my iPhone charger? It was plugged in just right there so I could watch TV and charge at same time! I swear.  Or wait,  was it in bathroom so I could charge while getting ready, or... Darnit I forget! Where is it? Why me?!

On today's show, we sit down with Winchester House expert Chris Garcia who has been passionately intrigued with the house for most of his life. Through his research, his local knowledge, and countless visits to the home, he has inside knowledge you won't hear anywhere else. What I'm saying is that he will leave no oddity or spooky twist and turn left ...unturned (um, not sure that totally makes sense). What I'm trying to say is Chris is really awesome ok? Join us on our Halloween train of scary and comedic and check back each of the following Thursdays in October for a new Halloween-esque episode.   

More info about the guest Chris Garcia:

His podcasts are Zodiac Speaking which is a true crime podcast and can be found anywhere you get your podcasts and Short Story, Short Podcast which can be found here or on Spotify. 

He also writes a zine on the Winchester House which you can find at 

Check him out! 




Sep 24, 2020

Science can generally disprove most supernatural to an extent. But there is one that is closer to all of us than one might think. 

Written by Grognostics. 

Sep 10, 2020

Many of you have tried a porter, typically sweet and laden with that feisty maiden called alcohol. You've probably even enjoyed one or two. But have you ever tried a porter? A porter. You know a person employed to carry luggage and other loads, especially in a railroad station, airport, or hotel? Well I have, and let me tell you - it hurts when they don't call you after a first date. It hurts a lot. Awkward... On today's continuing beer sessions segment we teach you about the history and profile of a beer that is mostly looking in from outside the craft beer scene wondering why not me? Why aren't I inside that craft brewery or taproom? I'm sweet. I'm malty. A special guest drops by and we might even try one or two. 

Aug 27, 2020

We’ve all had that feeling that we should be or should not be doing something whether we have a gut feeling the result will be good or it will end up bad. So what is that? Is THAT intuition? But the question is, how do we know when to follow what our intuition is telling us and when it’s simply a manifestation cooked up by our fleeting, often fearful minds? Or…let’s think larger.  What if intuition is a slight peak into a superpower humans have harnessed in the past and possibly could again? Think Oracles. Prognosticators. Did they have a secret power that was nothing more than enhanced intuition? And when the rubber meets the conclude nothing explore everything road- What is your intuition telling you right now about clicking play on your podcast app and listening to this podcast? What’s that? It’s telling you not to? Oh. We did not know that. This is awkward.

Sunil Godse has made it a mission to show others how to sharpen their intuition and today he’ll show you how to sharpen yours. He might even help us reflect on some of the aforementioned ponderances.

He’s an author, a public speaker, podcast host, a coach and founder of The Intuitionology Project. He’s been featured on podcasts, radio interviews, TV shows and conducted seminars on how to implement intuitive solutions for both individuals and companies. He’s written two critically acclaimed books, Fail Fast. Succeed Faster. and GUT!  

More info for Sunil including his blog, books, and media can be found at or

His Podcast The Intuitionology Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify



Aug 10, 2020

Grognostics is a podcast where we encourage you to learn, and expand your mind when it comes to the world, yourself, past, present and future. Most of our shows are based around the premise that by listening it will encourage deep thought, reflection and trigger curiosity for more. But then there are the shows that, well don't. This is one of those shows. This is one that sparks one's funny bone and one's sudden urge to stay away from all legal and illegal drugs of any kind.  You're welcome.  Our favorite correspondent in the field is back for a bonus episode that is neither a show topic nor a craft beer episode. We're not too worried about it. We promise you will enjoy. This is also Sir Matthew's maiden script as this is written and acted by Sir Matthew. 

Jul 23, 2020

Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion according to Wikipedia at least. But what do they know? Not more than your ole' Grognostics crew, am I right? Well, not really but luckily, on today's show we sit down with real-life Hypnotist Joshua Strongin to see what this intrigue we may have seen at parties or gatherings is all about. Is it real? An act? Is there more going on inside the human brain we simply don't know how to harness and this is a glimpse into a world beyond? Guess you'll have to listen to find out. Or not. Suit yourself. Ok please listen. Pretty please? 

Joshua Strongin is a hypnotist and illusionist that also goes by the name Jace who specializes in gatherings as well as using hypnosis for healing.  

You can find him here: 

@hypnosisforchange on Instagram 

You Tube


Jul 9, 2020

Thanks for hopping back onto the plane with us to examine what really happened to missing airliner MH370. 

Jul 5, 2020

Sure, maybe you, along with your fancy, snifter glass can swirl around a blackberry cream sour, dry-hopped, wet-hopped, hip-hopped ale, take a deep inhale, have a swig and tell your chums the name of the brewery, the type of barley, and how many brewers lost part of their beard into the wort during the production. But only Grognostics can tell you which adjunct lagers, or American Lagers are which in a blind taste test. Or well, I mean, they can tell you some. I think.  Not too sure actually. Join us for the un-craft of beer shows as we step away from the craft beer scene and live a little as our former beer-drinking selves in an American beer way. 

Jul 2, 2020

A Commercial flight operated by Malaysia Airlines took off in the early morning of March 8th, 2014 heading to Beijing China. After what appeared to be normal protocol up until about an hour into the flight, air traffic control replied what would be the final words ever heard from the plane – “goodnight,” as it left one air jurisdiction.  After that, a series of mostly unknown events would lead to the aircraft being the only one with the exception of a plane flown by one Amelia Erhardt to disappear permanently. 

On today's show we sit down with our usual cast of characters to take you play-by-play into the events that led up to the plane's disappearance. Next week, we'll examine what may have actually happened. 

Jun 18, 2020

5G frequency has clandestinely been showing up as your cell phone's selected choice service whether you've noticed or not. It's entered our airwaves with much controversy.  What does it mean though exactly? Is it safe? Is it the cause of Coronavirus planted by Bill Gates or better yet, aliens? What about an alien version of Bill Gates?  We dive into the facts, the fiction, and everything in-between as the Grognostic lads wet their whistle if you will getting back into the fray of this podcasting world. 

Jun 11, 2020

And, we're back. Join us next week for the first show of our return tour. In the meantime, here is what to expect. 

May 28, 2020

So what exactly has our favorite Grognostics character been doing during this shelter-in-place? Is he taking this opportunity to explore the sights, void of any commoners getting in the way of his explorations? Is he discovering new lands? Species? Breakfast options in the Transylvania Alps? We're warming up to get back to it here at the Grognostics studios (Jason's shoe closet) so get ready for more consistent Thursday posts going forward. 

Apr 16, 2020

We have an announcement. Listen while it's hot. Hope you're staying safe and healthy and enjoying some fine craft brews during your lockdown. Don't forget to catch up on all of our lovely episodes as you lock yourself in a closet to hide from your loved ones... 

Apr 2, 2020

On today’s show, I sit down with AI expert and Thought Leader David Yakobovitch to talk about all things Artificial Intelligence including the future of AI, how the technology can help in the pursuit of solving the Covid19 pandemic, the moral obligations we face as humans as the technology progresses, where AI is today and much more.  You’ll be shocked about how much AI has already infiltrated your day-to-day, even what beer you're drinking!

David Yakobovitch is the host of The HumAIn Podcast where he explores AI for consumers through fireside conversations with industry Thought Leaders. From Chief Data Scientists and AI Advisors to leaders who advance AI for All, the HumAIn Podcast is the channel to release new AI products, to learn about industry trends, and to bridge the gap between Humans and Machines in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In February 2020, The podcast ranked in the top 100 Global Technology Podcasts in the United States, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Czech Republic, India, and the Philippines. 

Links to explore further:

10 Must Read Data Science & AI Books

Listen to HumAIn Podcast

David's Writings on Medium


Mar 26, 2020

Today we're involved in a pandemic we've never seen in our lifetimes, but throughout history this is nothing new. On today's show we're joined by our friends at Unearthing Paranormalcy to discuss the five worst outbreaks in humanity's history. What you hear will surprise you. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Leave some toilet paper for the rest of us with chronic IBS. Thank you. I mean we know a guy. 

You can find them on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts. 

You can also find them on Instagram @unearthingparanormalcy

Mar 17, 2020

Despite the wild times around the globe. Don't forget to kiss your loved ones - from your country's recommended social distant of course, cozy up to a cold pint of the good ole' irish good stuff and listen to ye lads at Grognostics. Happy St. Paddy's Day. 

Feb 27, 2020

This iconic German beer has more to it than you might think. Join us for our third educational beer series. Show off to your friends. Drink a Kolsch. Be a better lover. Listen. Drink. Repeat. 

Feb 15, 2020

History has given us a handful of monumental love stories. Mark Antony had Cleopatra. Paris had Troy. Sonny had Cher. And Peter? Well, Peter had a love story that has never been told. Until now... 

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