
Grognostics - Where Craft Beer Meets the Unexplained

Frolic on the precipice of discovery, rouse your curious mind and expand self-awareness as Jason and Steve take you on an educational, yet hilarious journey through an explorative stew of mystical, historic, cultural and scientific all while enjoying some frosty pints. Prepare to laugh, learn, and enter into an introspective reverie as they ascertain topics that have always intrigued you whether you know it or not. Are you not ascertained? Are you not ascertained? You will be.
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Grognostics - Where Craft Beer Meets the Unexplained









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Nov 21, 2024

The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated  hand-written manuscript in a language unknown which has been carbon dated to the 15th century. Included is a full language repeated perfectly throughout the document, pictures and descriptions of animals and plants, and several, and I mean several drawings of portly women in bathtubs for reasons unknown. But we here at grognostics say let them bathe.


The origins, language and reasons behind the creation of this ancient tome are debated but one thing is for certain, you won’t find out the true origins from this podcast that’s for sure. But we will pique your curiosity, for woman in baths. Was it an ancient encyclopedia for a civilization we’ve yet to unearth? A fictional work of art created meticulously? The workings of a bathing woman aficionado? One can only hypothesis.


Join us as we dive into this ancient mystery.


Intros (:30)

Beer (4:50)

Voynic Manuscript (7:15)

Jul 11, 2024

Sitting at the bottom of the baltic sea sits an anomaly called the Baltic Sea Anomaly. So yes it's not only a non-creative name but it's just sitting there, contributing nothing, doing nothing. It's one lazy s o b. Is it man made? Naturally occuring? A sick joke left there by George Lucas? Tune in to find out in this quick bite-sized episode of the most talented podcasters in the biz. Or i mean sort of talented. Ok, well kind of. Ok well they're podcasters at least. 

Nov 30, 2023

Splitting is a common symptom associated with issues such as personality disorder which forces individuals to view things only in two absolute terms; black and white;this or that. These individuals are unable to accept qualities in things or people preventing any grey areas to exist in thought or mindset. 

As all of us are navigating through a world where mental issues or not, we're faced with decisions that force us into splitting, can we conclude that the entire popluation has subconsciously acquired this mental condition? Or is it just that the Grognostic's crew needed an excuse to talk about popluar 1980's cereals? You be the judge. 

Beer enjoyed from Altamont Brewery in Livermore, Ca and Device Brewing in Sacramento, Ca. 

Aug 10, 2023

Did you know what was made when humanity’s oldest yeast was exhumed (Brendan Frazier and the mummy had nothing to do with it just fyi), How about the culprit for eight people dying in a freak drowning accident in the UK? What about the massage oil used for cuisine’s most popular bovine? Yep, that’s right. It may have something to do with beer. Tune in to hear some of the kookiest beer stories ever told told by the coolest kids west of san Francisco and east of the Farallon Islands which are directly west of San Francisco, so yeah sure when you match them up against a couple of rotting octopus carcasses and shipwrecked seamen, they’re pretty darn funny.

Jul 6, 2023

Outer Place is a new Irish Craft brewery in Kildare, Ireland focused on hoppy styles of beer which of course is not typical of Irish beers so this makes their tasty beverages unique. Rebellious. Renegade-esque even.  

Their vision is to create a destination brewery that is fiercely independent, ethically inclined and sustainable with a goal of creating modern, progressive, delicious beers inspired by friends, family, art, music, nature and whatever else takes their fancy along the way. The story begins at the home of Mark Clarke and Viven Lough and ends with delicious and creative brews in your pint glass (True pint not those swindling American "pints."

And it all comes to life on today's Grognostic's podcast where we sit down with Mark to talk Irish Craft scene, his brewery and how he got started in the industry. Our Irish beer expert Oisin is in studio in the flesh (we're still not sure if this is a good thing or not) to provide additional insight into drinking suds in Ireland. 

You can learn more about this brewery at

Be sure to follow on Instagram @outerplacebrew 

Enjoy responsibly... or better yet un-responsibly. 



Apr 28, 2023

We're back to reveal the most savage, most innovative and most effective weapon of human history. If you didn't catch part one where we describe all the competitors please go back and listen. We'll be right here waiting... waiting... waiting... ok ready? You didn't skip any parts did you? Did you? 



Apr 20, 2023

In the name of misery and death, humankind has created (ok so mankind, men are the only ones sick enough to create such bludgeoning devices) some of the most innovative ways to kill each other. But what has been the most effective? The most catastrophic? The most expeditious? Sure there are more than one ways to skin a cat, but how many different ways have we killed our enemies? From ancient Chinese dynasties to Native tribes in the Americas to Egyptian battlfields, tune in this week for a March Madness showdown bracket-style as we break down some of history's best (or worst rather) killing machines. 

Feb 23, 2023

I don't know if we want to say the craze is taking off but it certainly is wheels up and off the ground. In 2022 non-alcoholic beers hit $22billion in sales world-wide and the number is expected to grow. Between younger drinkers adopting a healthier lifestyle, countries prohibiting alcoholic beers, and a growing number of people taking on dry January or sober October or no starch March (not a thing) the industry seems to be growing at an exponential rate. 

So what exactly are non-alcoholic beers? 

How are they made?

Who is drinking them?

Why aren't you answering any of my questions i'm asking? 

Join us and a special guest as we break down the history of non-alcoholic beers, name some alternatives you can find online or at your local bottle shop and give you some alt. options too for those who want just a slight hint of alcohol so they get let loose, sort of. 

Enjoy responsibly. That was a joke. Because it's non-alcoholic, get it? Right... 

Feb 2, 2023

With football's biggest game of the year on the world stage, we're going to take you down the darker side of the sport to really ruin the game for you. That's what we do. Jason Reedy joins us once again for a wild ride into science, sports, history, and intrigue to dive into what exactly is CTE and what all the hype is about. Why are we just hearing about it in the last decade or two? What does it do to us? And if you were an emerging star in the game and could make $100m playing football and take care of your family for generations would you do it knowing you're likely to get CTE?  What are some positives from head trauma? Wait, positives? 


Oh, and enjoy the big game don't think about the immorality of watching your fellow humans bash their heads in, you complicit son of a...


Grognostics is part of the Green Mushroom Podcast Network. with Smuts Up,  Faith Blind Council, Lux Occult, Ad Hoc History, Administrism, Unearthing Paranormalcy, The Green Podcast Network, Primordia, Ex V Plan, Grognostics. You can learn more at

Dec 24, 2022

Whether we'd like to admit it or not, there are three theories when it comes to climate change. One, climate change is real we are destroying ourselves by burning fossil fuels and the like. Two, climate change is real but it is naturally occuring. Or three, climate change is not real (climate change deniers). One of the three is more widely accepted than the others, but on our conclusion show on climate change we break down all three and why they each may or may not be correct. Spoiler alert-we conclude nothing in Grognostics fashion but we certainly explore everything. And everywhere. And I mean everywhere. We might even be watching you right now. You. As in if you were a polar bear. We are watching you white fluff ball you. Give a listen and enjoy. Happy Holidays. 

Dec 23, 2022

If you've read any news in the last decade and/or simply walked outside you've noticed things are changing with our climate. However, is the media giving us all the correct information and is the climate actually changing? Many would say yes. Others say no. And others just want to drink beer and listen to awesome podcasts like this one. Which one are you? On the first part of our two-part series we discuss what climate change is and give you an introduction to the theories of what is actually happening as well as dazzle you with a holiday-themed skit you're sure to forget or at least call your therapist about very soon. Enjoy. 

Check back for part 2 very soon. 

Sep 15, 2022

You could speak to any animal (and they could speak back). What animal would you choose and what would you ask them?

Enjoy the latest Short Intrigue Snippets segment. They're digestible bytes (see what i did there?) of appetizing goodness made to quickly listen and churn up some pondering thought of your own. 

Aug 18, 2022

We go through life jettisoning from one destination to another bound by constraints of time and commitments but many of us don't often stop to ask why. Or what's the point of it all? Our guest today believes that a healthy diet of discovery, curiosity and mind-opening research is just the prescription for a healthy soul. 

You can learn more about Kimberley and her podcast at and find her podcast, also titled Wakeup With KC on all podcast platforms. 

Grognostics is part of the Green Mushroom Podcast Network. To view the other shows which are contributors to the Green Mushroom Podcast Network please visit our catalog at 


Jul 21, 2022

WIth the recent invasion of Ukraine by the Russians, it poses questions about what happens above our blue planet. While us humans (naming no names) are making terrible decisions to inflict misery upon our fellow man (and woman) science, space, and the advancement of humanity is still going on in our sky.  Enter stage left, right, center - the International Space Station. Originally launched in 1998 and supported by five participating space agencies from around the globe it has been pivotal in the advancement of space exploration. However what happens when what we do on earth threatens what we're doing in space? Tune in this episode as we explore for ourselves while we of course drink some good beer in the name of advancing humanity inside our own podcast recording studio (or un-advance). 

Jun 16, 2022

Did humans evolve naturally? Maybe. Did humans evolve spiritually? Possibly. Did humans evolve a third way? Perhaps. Author Tim Kelly joins us on today’s show to shed some light on what he believes is a hidden history of humanity. We talk about ancient, lost technologies, the pyramids, Lemuria, Atlantis, aliens of course, and what the true building blocks of our DNA is. It’s a fun conversation, so put on your open-mind hat and turn on that internal imagination machine and let’s go!

You can learn more about Tim at

His health book and many other products may be purchased using the add to cart buttons at the website.


To purchase his book, Hidden History of Humanity, listeners may make a Paypal request to


For additional research Tim recommends the following videos on the possibilities for a better world and how this one became so damaged:



Paradise of Nature 1:

Paradise of Nature 2:


Jun 9, 2022
We have some exciting news. We have teamed up with a Podcast Network called The Green Mushroom Network. This will enable us to do some more cross-collaborations and promote our show on other show platforms.

Listen to this episode to hear more about the shows we're sharing a podcast network bed with going forward. Give a listen. 

You can learn more about all the shows on the network at 

  • The list of shows is: 
    • Ad Hoc History 
    • Administrism 
    • Faith Blind Council 
    • Lux Occult 
    • Smuts Up 
    • Unearthing Paranormalcy
    • Primordia
    • Weird Web Radio
    • Ex V Planis
May 5, 2022
LIke an armpit at a deodorant convention (said no one ever), we like to keep things fresh. And with that comes yet another new segment we're trying out called Short Intriguing Snippets. They're digestible bytes (see what i did there?) of appetizing goodness made to quickly listen and churn up some pondering thought of your own. On today's we discuss the connection between emotions and music as well as find out how one can play heavy metal and boy band pop in ones car at the same exact time. It's not easy let me tell you. 
Jan 21, 2022
Over 200 government officials from multiple countries have experienced strange symptoms such as ringing in ears, dizziness, nausea, insomnia and other ailments while abroad. Despite investigations by multiple U.S. agencies, no one can figure out the cause of these oddities. The U.S. has recently acknowledged this as a known ailment and even promised to provide healthcare to victims but we are no closer to discovering what is behind this phenomenon.  And then there's Grognostics podcast, rip roarin' into this topic like no one ever has finally back in the saddle after a long hiatus. Enjoy. 
Oct 18, 2021

The crack of the bat. A deep bomb down the field for a winning touchdown catch. The eruption of the crowd after a winning shot in the hoop. The sounds and sights of sports has been something people all over the world have emotionally enjoyed all of their lives. But how we experience sports and how the players on the field play are at a crossroads. It's all about to change. 

Technology is moving at light speed, turning players of yesteryear into inferior ghosts while today's players with use of analysis and technology are on their way to becoming cyborgs sooner than we might think. And how we watch and experience these games is moving even quicker. With the advent of virtual reality, it's making our watching experience limitless in the future. 

Join us and guest Nate Tussy as we discuss where sports are headed as well as what the fan experience looks like in the future. And no shocker, we drink some beers along the way. 

About our guest: Nate Tussy is on a "far-nerd-leaning" podcast called Rum & Regret which he dives more into on the show. The show can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts. 


Aug 13, 2021

Humans have been around since the beginning of... well, actually we don't really know do we? Some theorists believe the current version we see in the mirror every day has been around for 12,000 years, others say more, others just do a 48min podcast and conclude nothing on the topic. Click your play button and you'll hear one of the three aforementioned.

Take a dive down memory lane of humanity and ponder just exactly when and where our current selves came from? Where are we going from here? Previous versions of humans came and went, so what exactly does that mean for homo-sapiens when our next better and brighter version comes onto the scene? 

Jason Reedy once again joins us. 

Jul 8, 2021

On today's show we take a detour from our regular show structure to sit and chat about intriguing questions that make you think. Most importantly, what do you think about them? We roll out these questions of intrigue and then take 15 minutes on each to discuss over some cold brews that of course open up the mind. Life is discovered on another planet but it will take 20 years to get there. Would you go? If you could go back to any year throughout history, where would you go and why? And that is just a taste of intrigue ... Enjoy. 

Apr 9, 2021

Face The Music is a collective of creative activists utilizing performances to inspire individual action. With over 70 social justice artists across the US & Canada, many with large national followings, our artists utilize calls to actions developed by partner organizations because the expertise on how to best make a positive impact comes from groups with expertise for the cause. 

They are putting on a FREE streaming concert to celebrate Earth Day on Aprill 22nd!  You can sign up for a ticket and learn more: Here 

Former guest of Grognostics Evanne Jordan has a new philanthropic movement and is participating in the event. 

our organizations are supporting the event with calls to actions: Music Declares Emergency (artists, music industry professionals and organisations standing together to declare a climate and ecological emergency), Outside the Box 925 (an education nonprofit focused on environmental issues),  Neto Community Network (a northern CA nonprofit that leads  people to act toward greater equity) and Field Team 6 (a voter registration organization). 

Mar 17, 2021

Ye there lads. Top of the morning to ya. It’s St. Patrick’s Day. Why aren’t you in an Irish pub throwing back a few of the black stuff? What’s that? There’s a pandemic? Oh. Well. Don’t worry. We’ve got you sorted.  We’ve brought the pub to you. On today’s show we sit down with Tam and Oisin, who have just the right accents for today’s holiday to educate listeners on the beer scene across the pond. What’s the fascination with stouts in Ireland? Guinness? What’s the craft beer scene like in Ireland? And more importantly how many expletives can a few Irishmen use in one episode? 255 is the answer to that by the way.

Join us for another annual St. Patrick’s Day episode as Jason and Steve do blind tastings of six beers – (American Stouts from Highwater Brewing, Epic Brewing and Firestone as well as two types of Guinness and one beer we’d all like to forget). Give a listen and then go out and get yourself a cold one old St. Paddy himself would be proud of.  


Feb 15, 2021

President's Day - a day to reflect on the leader's of our nation's past, or a day to stretch a drinking binge weekend into a fourth day of monumental debauchery. 

Our country has been led by natural-born leaders, by individuals thrust into a leader role without warning or those who have thrusted their way into scandal. And everything in between.  On today's show we treat them all equally breaking down each of the 45 past presidents in one minute or less. Some information you may already know, while some, such as which presidents were fond of reptile intercourse for example you didn't. Or did you? You little... 

As we educate we do this Drunk History style with a shot of beer for each president described. It gets silly. It gets unruly. It gets just perfectly divine. 

Do try this at home. 

Jan 7, 2021

When it comes to ancient discoveries centered around the core principles of humanity's story, no one is more apt to uncovering lost enigmas than our very own Sir Matthew. From taming savage turkeys in Roanoke to uncovering secret elixirs in vampire lairs to the unveiling of Santa's whereabouts in the North Pole, Sir Matthew's marveled exploits have fallen nothing short of prodigious in the advancement of our species. On his latest quest, he travels to North Africa to unearth the ancient secrets of the Boink-Oink Lapooodha Tribe in hopes of changing humanity forever. Along the way, he encounters a collection of snafus, tallyho, and I'll be the queen's uncles as usual. 

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